The Analakininina Saint John Baptist church nowadays

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At the beginning of November 1998 it was decided that the Centre was going to be transformed into an Alphabetisation Centre. It started with 62 students aged between 8 and 21 for alphabetisation and 16 apprentices aged between 13 and 26 for apprenticeship.

On November 15th the number of students increased to 77. Two sister taught there assisted by a laic during his pare time. There was school three times a week from 8:30 to 11:00.

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Afterward, subsequently to a parish meeting the church committee had the idea to set up a school for the parish. After the construction of the new Centre’s building by sister Lidwine, the Marie Réparatrice sisters offered the parish three classrooms: the Saint John Baptist school started in September 2005.

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Parafia AnalakH 05After, father Mariusz KASPERSKI asked for financial assistance from abroad for the construction of a second school building. He was granted aid and the nursery school opened in September 2007.

The lack of celebration room presented a big issue to the Christians and thanks to the efforts of father Mariusz KASPERSKI and those of the Christians the Eugène DE MAZENOD Foyer was built in 2004.

Parafia AnalakH 03One particular reason why the Saint John Baptist church could not be a parish was the lack of accommodation for the priests responsible for the church: they had to live with the OMI missionaries in Tanamakoa.

And yet the Christians wished that a resident priest took care of them. They then set their problem forth when the Superior of the OMI Congregation visited the parish.

Parafia AnalakH 06In 2005, the old Centre building was renovated and transformed into a house for the priest responsible for the parish.  On 7th May the premises were blessed by father Léon VARIAMANANA, vicar general.

No matter how great our achievements may be, they are not worth much if our souls do not live. So, let us see here some of the church’s achievements: 1812 baptism, 119 weddings.

At present, thanks to the DYNATEC project, the number of Christians has increased and still does. Many Christian foreigners work for the project and move to Analakininina. Thereby the number of christians attending Sunday mass have increased up to 2500. The 6th church ward Saint Eugène de Mazenod fokotany Tsarahonenana Tsararivotra is being created.

In January 2010 the parish committee was set up thanks to the efforts provided by the Father perished and the contribution of the Christians.

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Erigée en « SANCTUAIRE DE LA MISERICORDE » le 29 novembre 2015 par Monseigneur Désiré TSARAHAZANA, Archevêque de Toamasina, l’ECAR Paroisse Saint Jean Baptiste est devenue désormais le « Sanctuaire de la Miséricorde » du diocèse de Toamasina. Le Premier responsable et premier curé du sanctuaire est : Père Paweł PETELSKI de la communauté OMI. Il a succédé père Krzysztof SZABLOWSKI et père Mariusz KASPERSKI tous les deux sont des prêtres de la même communauté.

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