AMBINANINDRANO Catholic mission

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Ambinanindrano is located 60 kilometres East Marolambo, on the road to Mahanoro. The place has developed such a way that it now covers 1200 kilometres square (1200km²).         

In 1950, The Monfortana priests created the Ambinanindrano mission where they stayed until 1974. At the time, there were 64 churches and 2000 Christians there. During the seven following years, no missionary stay there and only 13 churches were functional. Some were frequented by a very few number of people.


In 1981, father Franciszek CHRÓSZCZ and father Roman Krauz were the first oblates to arrive and to continue the work begun by the Monfortana fathers.


They started by visiting the still standing churches around Ambinanindrano and built houses for the missions. One year later, they set up a catechism class where those who prepared for Baptism were trained for 3 to 4 years.  They also moved outside Ambinanindrano to meet kids who were preparing for communion. For the futures responsible to teach catechise, the training lasted a month and concerned every day life: Holy Writ, how to pray, how to study, singing lessons, few practical lessons (gardening, rice and coffee farming).

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On September 1987, just before the Lord Bishop Jérôme RAZAFINDRAZAKA’s visit, 116 adults were baptised, 29 weddings were celebrated and many Christians received sacrament of confirmation.

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The same year, a new house was built at the mission. The oblate fathers have also built a house for the sisters, a girl’s school and catechism classrooms. Since 1992, the zanakavavin’ny Fahendrena (Wisdom’s Daughters) sisters have worked with the oblates. In December 1998, they left the mission owing to the bad state of the roads. They returned to the mission in 2008. In 2013 they opened a primary school.

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At present, the mission is divided into four regions:

AMBINANINDRANO (35 churches)

BEFOTAKA (22 churches)


and AMBINANIDILANA (19 churches).

in all 88 churches.