Omifilm is a center producing audiovisual
and other multimedia developments.
In order meet the current competition in the media television and video clubs, the Oblates in Madagascar developed their own audiovisual production organizations.
Today, OMIFILM is a center for production and training in the audiovisual industry. It offers a wide variety of productions produced in line with the Madagascar episcopacy program. It includes production of religious films (bible, spiritual, cultural and educational) as well as documentary films about the country which is in the path of development in which Catholic missions are an active member. Sessions and formation of audiovisuals are geared toward the individual response for media in Madagascar. In order to help them be able to use and understand audiovisuals for the good.
Creativity, elasticity, discipline and effectiveness are key words in our mission.
We use our resources in order to understand your projects in an effort to insure the final quality of the final product.
" Transfer to a picture - means to record good visual and mix it with different aspects of audiovisuals.
Transfer to a picture, is a development of language, in which thanks to its structure, its formation and its rhythm allows and feeds the imagination needs of the society. As it was explained by Gaston Bachelar "strength of imagination".
It also produces a physiological presentation of reality that touches all our senses especially our sense of sight..."
Pierre Babin - "Language and the media culture"
" You can have an idea! Anyone can come up with an idea. The idea could have been inspired from anywhere. You do not have to be knowledgeable in audiovisual to have an idea. An idea can be something very general or something very specific. It could be general in such a way that rarely it can be expended as long as we know what we want to show and communicate such an idea of life (which is a very general idea). We can also have a symbolic idea, such as a hand – as a symbol source of life. However an idea can also be dangerous if it is shown as an abstract. Abstract ideas don`t lead to a picture !
That is why not everyone can develop an idea into a picture. If we do not join all aspects of audiovisuals then we are not moving forward. A producer may have an idea or take on an idea but he will not be satisfied with the results. He needs to "feel" the idea-project within him... "FEEL", meaning becomes second nature, let it come into us, lead us, soak into our soul, experience it and live in it. In order to produce a good film about monastery, involves living in a monastery for a while, in order to soak into the atmosphere, hear its sounds, rejoice in its silence, pray, sing, experience what the individuals are living with the mystery of the presence of One in which gives meaning to even the most insignificant actions. In order words, we must experience `symbolic experiences`` of our theme before we proceed.
This step has a fundamental meaning, since the audiovisual language speaks more to the mind than to the soul. Video is not an exception to the rule. A chance to emotionally impact the viewer, engage the viewer in the theme, bring the viewer into the video and engage the viewer in all aspects of the individual emotional state can only be achieved by the producer by feeling. The producer must engage his own emotions and not their own idea. In order to reach the emotions o the theme and idea can sometimes take a lot of time, meditation, isolation, imagination and disorientation. A real creator allows the idea to love within him and awaits a slow metamorphosis, before a small plan is born, grows into a larger developed flower when it gives is first flower...
It is in this process of personal experiment that a picture starts to develop, sound, music or words – a lot of material which will be used later on. There is no order at this stage, everything is mixed, It has a strong presence. These pictures and sounds are born in the midst of nights, ignite our conscience and without our awareness they feed off it. As a creator who never experiences such an experience will never be a good producer later."
André TRIVERIO - "Developing video"
In the few introductory words I would like to thank and acknowledge two people: Pierre Babin and Andre Triverio whom I met in Lyon, France on my learning path of audiovisual.
Pierre Babin, was a director for over 30 years at the international Crex-AVEX in Ecully (Lyon) and he led research in the field of language and culture of audiovisual with the help of 12 international experts.
He published many books as sole author or as a co-author with Marshal McLuhan, Cardinal Martin, Legaut and Henka Hoekstra.
André Triverio is an individual that feels the power of his hands. He is a great teacher, he doesn`t play a role as a big patron and does not see himself as a creator but is much disciplined and has high expectations. From 1950-1977 he was audio-visual presenter at Caen, 1978-1979 he received a diploma of communication at the University of Ottawa(Canada), 1979-1989 he was professor at CREX-AVEX in Ecully (Lyon) and 1989 he became creator and producer of TV Rennes.
I am thankful to them for teaching me about pictures, cropping, editing, etc. But I am thankful most of all, for understanding that
I am thankful also that they had passed on to me their secrets, their knowledge as well as their practical expertise about filming.
Father Henryk MARCINIAK
Director of the OMIFILM Center