Meeting of the Superiors and Treasurers

Hits: 1972

The meeting of the Superiors and Treasurers of the OMI Delegation in Madagascar took place in Antananarivo from October 17 to 20, 2017. Many topics were discussed according to the agenda which was established before.

11 Superiorzy1. A reflection on the topic of Oblate vocations

A reflection on the topic of Oblate vocations, led by Father Henryk Marciniak OMI: Based on texts speaking of Oblate vocations, focused on the guiding principles of St. Eugene de Mazenod, and enriched by a beautiful presentation.

“We need Oblate vocations because of our love for the Church,” said Father Henryk. A life filled with love for the Church, which our founder St. Eugene de Mazenod practiced, must be found in the heart of our Congregation.

2. The sharing of information from all of our units.

Each of those present spoke, sharing the latest and most important events in the Mission. Most often, the news touched on the past pastoral sessions, and the increase in attendance of these sessions. Very many confreres underlined the lack of safety on Madagascar, which greatly hinders the work of missionaries. They also spoke of renovations and building projects which take place across the Delegation.

3. Reflection on Consecrated Life by Father Marian PUCHAŁA

Father Marian Puchala is the provincial Vicar of the province of Poland, and simultaneously responsible for mission “Ad Gentes”.

When he spoke, he encouraged us to live with joy. “Consecrated life always gives joy,” he quoted after Pope Francis.

Fr. Marian Puchala thanked the Delegation of Madagascar for their fruitful missionary work, for administering sacraments, for prayers, and Holy Masses. He asked us to continue this sanctification. The Polish province, to which our Delegation belongs will soon celebrate the 100th anniversary of its existence. The celebrations for the anniversary will take place this year in the cathedral in Poznan.

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4. Speech of Father Marian LIS

Father Marian Lis is the director of the Mission Procure in Poland. After taking on this role, he asked for continued cooperation between Madagascar and Poland. He thanked, also, the Delegation and its members for the undertaken projects, and underlined that the Procure is always willing to help those, who submit proposals for projects. However, after the completion of each project, he asks for a report with photos and invoices – this is especially important for our benefactors.

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5. Note from Father Mariusz, the Superior of the Delegation

Despite the fact that he was not present at this meeting due to health reasons, Father Mariusz wanted to share with us, by Skype from Poznan, two important topics: “the grace of faith and belonging to the Oblate family».


• Relying on the Gospel of Jesus on the topic of the mission of the apostles, he said: each of us has trouble leaving our work environments, but despite that you came to Antananarivo, and that is wonderful. In community, we must remember the three pillars: prayer, community, and pastoral ministry are undivided. When the apostles returned from their missions, they were with Jesus and shared their experiences.

• Relying on our life experience, he reminded us of the manner of our life and work as part of the Oblate family. Let us try to do our pastoral ministry well, and remember our Oblate cross, which we should always wear as a mark of our belonging to our Congregation.



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Adam6. Father Adam’s Presentation

Father Adam began his talk, presenting a list of requested reports, projects to be done, and projects in progress. This year, we realized many projects, but there’s more work to be done. We thank God for the completed projects, and all our benefactors.

Father Adam used this opportunity to remind each Oblate, to complete a good report with a few photos and invoices after each project. He spoke of matters such as:

• Explanation of the organization from Slovakia “Adopcja Serca”.
• Information about the change of telephone numbers and email address
• The January 2018 picnic
• The financial contributions of each community to the common purse



We ended the meeting with questions and suggestions from the participants.

Father Christophe Andriamihajay, omi