Creating websites

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Tim Berners LeeTim Berners-Leeinventor of the World Wide Web, published his first website in August 1991, making him the first web designer. The site first used hyperlinks and links to an email address.


Websites remain primarily business cards and support systems. That is why they are important means of communication and identification.

Website creation should be thoroughly researched and studied, and cannot be treated as writing a classic document. It is about intelligently merging the mass of information in such a way as to create one but diverse panel of users more or less knowledgeable in navigating web pages. This is why special attention should be paid when creating pages, both at the content level and at the presentation level.

Site2Why create websites:

- To let others, know about us, to get to know our company, parish, diocese, congregation…
- To sell online
- To communicate in a very simple way
- To share your passion

Omifilm helps you easily create web pages and easily manage all stages of web development to finally achieve a dynamic website.


Depending on the type of site, the context, and the resources available, some of the steps below may be optional useless.

1. Project:

- Reflect on: the subject of the pages, their purpose, their profitability and financial means to engage in the project...
- Reflect on: desirable autonomy and the type of staff that will update the site.
- Reflect on the content of the pages, desired services and navigation guidelines.



2. Implementation:

- Establish a domain name.
- Select a server.
- Install a content management system or web page editor.

3. Design:

- Create a page layout
- Classification
- Graphic design

4. Execution:

- Create pages.
- Graphics. (Graphics by cutting and montage of GIF, JPG, PNG, MNG). Omifilm can (on request) take pictures needed for pages.
- Possible dynamic changes (forms, services, etc.)

5. Continuation:

- Launch pages on an external server.
- Launch pages on an external server.
- Advertisement.
- Maintenance (new content - pages, corrections, continuous improvement).