Creating ebooks

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A one-page document with pictures and text in English, which summarizes the evolution of publication from the year 1400 to the present. “Since 1440 and with the invention of Gutenberg's printing, a revolution has been going on in the production of books that lasted until the present day - the middle part of a book was based on a simple technique: paper. However, the digital era changed it, disrupted it, revived it, as shown in the following illustrations.»

If the eBook was born in July 1971, it was launched only in the mid-nineties, alongside the Internet, with significant acceleration since 2000.

Livre electronique 01eBook, means books, magazines, newspapers, manuals, educational material or any other publications that may be viewed, distributed or stored as digital files.

eBook The eBook can be presented in various formats (ePUB, FB2, OEB, LIT, LRF, MOBI, PDB, PML, RB, PDF, SNB, TCR, TXT…).

The ePUB format can be operated by an electronic reader (Sony eReader, Cybook, Kindle ...), touch pad (Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Android Tablet ...) or a PC or MAC computer.

We can change your books, pedagogical resources…into eBooks.

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