Prenoviciat Eugène de MAZENOD – Tanamakoa,Toamasina

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Dom Prenoviciat Dom


The formation House for Prenoviciat was built in 1995 and inaugurated in 1996 in Tanamakoa, a calm and quiet place. Two communities live there: First, a priest community combined with the Provincial House and a guest house for the Oblats passing by Toamasina. Secondly, the prenoviciate community: a community of young people formed to become religious priests.

In October 1996, the young people aspiring to respond to God’s appeal and to learn more about it were received in Tanamakoa. At the time their master was Fr Joseph NIESYTO assisted by Brother Daniel KLOCH. The first group counted 10 brothers.



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In October 1996, the young people aspiring to respond to God’s appeal and to learn more about it were received in Tanamakoa. Between 1996 when the formation begun and 2010, 14 groups counting 98 prenovices students have received formation at the OMI prenoviciat house in Tanamakoa, Toamasina. So, the young people wishing to become religious priests at the OMI congregation have to go through a formation at the prenoviciate house.
What is asked and expected from them ?

The formation at the prenoviciate house consists in teaching the young people about community life and to help them to know better about the OMI religious rules of life, during one year.


We try to help these young people to know themselves better and to become aware of all existing human aspects: spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional that is we help them to acquire a certain level of spiritual and human maturity :

  • Spiritual life is of prime importance in religious life: unity with god through personal prayer, community prayer, Eucharist, meditation and the rosary…
  • Community life: communion between all through sports, group meals, community amusements, outings, picnics, mutual respect, self consciousness, respect of discipline, brotherly living and mutual confidence.
  • Pastoral work, personal study, work and respect for the community properties.

These three necessities cannot be separated but the most important remains spiritual life. The discipline, punctuality, asking for permission before leaving the house, simplicity, mutual aid, pardon.

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Unacceptable behaviour

Ethnic discrimination - racial discrimination – theft – lie – deception – fraud - nights out - introducing stranger into bedrooms and dinning hall.

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 Fr RAKOTOMALALA Alfred, omi