Saint John Baptist church Analakininina - Historic

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He montfortana father BAUVET was the 1st to visit Depôt – Analakininina and has then decided to build a house there. After consulting local Christians, the Fokontany committee (constituency) has conceded him a piece of land which was flooded and used as a banana field (fokontany 23/44). He took care of the farm where the house was to be built.

After father BAUVET’s departure he was replaced by another priest (whose name was forgotten). The new priest continued the work. Once the house was built, he also left and was replace by father Alexis Guimar, another priest from abroad. Thanks to the 3 montfortana priests, the centre could finally exist.

The Christians wanted the house to be their church but due to the 1972 events the church construction could not be achieved. Finally when it could in 1973 – 1974, father Alexis Guimar declared that the building won’t be a church but rather a formation centre since there was no priest to care for the new church, given that most of them were to go back abroad. At the Centre, sewing classes were offered on Thursday afternoons and catechism classes on Saturday afternoons.

The Marie Réparatrice sisters have already intended to come to teach sewing in Dépôt –Analakininina. Since then, they collaborated with the priest there and they still do so today.

In 1997, Fr RABE Marcel came for some animation and he 1st approached RAKOTOALA Louis and in March 1977, the 1st mass was celebrated. Those who attended were: Mr. RAKOTOALA and his family, Mrs. TSIMIAVA Georgine and few other Christians.

The number of Christians frequenting church increased. Consequently, they asked the responsible father his consent to the setting up of a church committee. He agreed and the first members were:

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Vice president: MARIE Thérèse Baomadio

Catechist: Andriamatoa CHARLES

Treasurer: Ramatoa LOUISETTE

Deputy Treasurer: Andriamatoa RAKOTOALA Louis




They also asked Fr RABE to lay the church under the protection of Saint John the Baptist and the blessing took place on the 9th June 1979. During 4 years, from 1978 to 1982, the church went through hard times due to diverging opinions between Catholics and Protestants.

In 1982 Fr RANAIVOSON Jean Baptiste, curate of the Notre Dame de Lourdes parish sent MR. ZAKAVELO Simon Pierre to live in Analakininina with the aim to help the elders to revive the church. It became true in 1983.

Thanks to the efforts everybody provided the number of church goers increased and adherents to Christian movements such as FET Zanak’I Masina Maria (Saint Mary’s children), Lehilahy Katolika Malagasy (Malagasy Catholic Men) increased too. Also, there were new catechumens and people preparing for marriage.

The room and the courtyard could no more contain the church goers. There was a need for another place to build a bigger church. Fr Ian SADOWSKI,omi, found a piece of land and applied at the Fokontany for the church to be granted the land with the help of Simon Pierre: it is the place where the actual church is located now (Ambalamboanio).

The church did not stay isolated but sought for cooperation with other catholic churches. On 23rd April 1984 the cooperation started among the churches located along the iron way, under the aegis of Fr Petro LONI who was responsible for the region.

The 15th May 1987 the cooperation which aimed at deepening faith and mutual help became official and was celebrated at Saint Bernadette in Ankarefo.

Parafia AnalakH 10In 1987, they planned to build a new church made of wood and corrugated iron measuring 20 meters on 8 meters. Fr Marcel RABE assisted the Christians by seeking financial assistance from abroad.

The works started and 90 Christians devoted themselves by transporting stones, sand and wood etc. for it was impossible to transport them by trucks because the roads were sandy. The construction ended on November 1988.

On 2nd April 1989 Bishop Jérome RAZAFINDRAZAKA gave the church blessings and the Fr Ian SADOWSKI,omi, arrived the same year and took charge of it. A very big cross and 100 coconut trees were planted in the courtyard.

On 2nd February 1994, the Cyclone Geralda destroyed the church. The same year Fr KLAUDIUSZ,omi, arrived and has built a house as a temporary church until reconstruction.
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In 1997, the new church was built. Bishop René RAKOTONDRABE has care for the construction permit, paid for the construction and gave the new building blessings on 28th June 1998. The OMI Fr Roman KRAUZ,omi, and his confreres are those thanks to whom the church exists for they strived a lot to make the works advance. It is only after it received blessings that the parish Saint Jean  Baptiste was born and Fr Mariusz KASPERSKI, omi, became its first curate.



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The year 1969, Fr Alexis asked the Montfortana Provincial father to allow Marie Réparatrice sisters to come and work in Analakininina. The year 1970 the sisters agreed and Sr Pauline RAMAMPIANDRA was sent: she is the very first sister to work there. She taught catechism and topics about faith deepening.



In 1997 – 1998, the Centre opened. It is the house where the priests live nowadays. Fr Roman KRAUZ,omi, has noticed that most people there suffered from lack and poverty and many christians did not have enough to survive. He consequently sought for financial help and food abroad. The help obtained also served to build a new house. All these were done with assistance from the church committee.


1978-1979 - Fr Alexis GlJIMAR

1978-1988 - Fr Marcel RABE

1988-1989 - Fr Henryk MARCINIAK OMI

1989-1990 - Fr JAN SADOWSKI OMI

1990-1991 - Fr Klaudiusz HERMAŃSKI OMI

1990-1991 - Fr Helmut NIESZPOREK OMI

1992-1994 - Fr SJIEF

1992-1994 - Fr Roman MAJEWSKI OMI

1994-1995 - Fr Andrzej URBANEK OMI

1994-1996 - Fr Klaudiusz HERMAŃSKI OMI

1997-2012 - Fr Mariusz KASPERSKI OMI

2012-2015 - Fr Krzysztof SZABŁOWSKI OMI

2015-        Fr Paweł PETELSKI OMI