The Apostolic Nuncio in Mahanoro

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Nonce01As it had been planned in our diocese’s program, the Apostolic Nuncio of Madagascar Bishop PAULO ROCCO GUALTIERI will visit our diocese within well planned dates. After his stay in Andovoranto on December 5 and 6, 2017, the Apostolic Nuncio came to our mission in Mahanoro. He was accompanied by our Archbishop Desire Tsarahazana, vicar general Father Jean Aime as well as his interpreter Father Adore.

Prior to the arrival of the Nuncio, Father Jean Didier – pastor, with all the Oblates of the community from Mahanoro and the superior of the mission from Masomeloka, Father Francis de Sales, with the religious Sisters, inspectors, catechists, parishioners  and secular authorities organized a festive welcome for the Nuncio and guests who arrived at noon on December 5th.

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Everyone greeted them most warmly, some waving a Vatican flag. The Nuncio and the archbishop got out of the car and were led to the church. Once in the church and after a short prayer of thanksgiving, Father Jean Didier then welcomed the Nuncio, our archbishop and his companions.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, the Nuncio and Archbishop of the Diocese of Tamatave were invited to our school Our Lady of Peace, directed by Sisters, Daughters of Wisdom. Next, they went to the church, where the parishioners were awaiting them.

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Father Jean Didier presented a short history of our mission.  Then the Nuncio spoke clearly for all to hear about Pope Francis’s vision for the Church and what Christians ought to do in imitating Christ. Also, he mentioned that we must be true to our faith, especially the young people, seeing the threat that globalization brings.

Mindful of the visit of the Apostolic Nuncio we renovated the grotto of the Blessed Mother, which had been erected thirty years ago. It was blessed now by the Nuncio.

At 6:00 in the evening, the Nuncio presided at Mass in the French language. The local Christians are not accustomed to this language. Nonetheless, it was a beautiful celebration.

During the dinner, the Nuncio expressed his joy at having spent time in our community. According to our Oblate custom, we then invited the Nuncio and his accompanying guests to our recreation room to share our sentiments over coffee.

On the following day, December 6, Archbishop Desire Tsarahazana offered the morning Mass and thanked our Apostolic Nuncio for having visited Mahanoro, and our community. He thanked the faithful for such a warm welcome.


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We are very pleased with their visit to our mission, and this event will long remain in our hearts.

At 9:00 our guests departed, and they will continue their visiting in other missions in the diocese; llaka-Est and Vatomandry.

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Father Gildas