St. Nicholas parish in Champs-Borne, La REUNION

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Champ Borne 01The parish in Champs-Borne, under the patronage of St. Nicholas is located in the territory of Saint Andre, on the eastern seashore of La Reunion Island. It has its main church in Champs-Borne and its second church titled “Our Lady of Pellevoisin” in Riviere du Mat Les Bas. In these two neighbourhoods there are over 13, 000 residents, more than half of which are 18 years and older. This population is principally European, people of Indian and African descent, as well as native Creole. Most profess Catholicism. But similar to other parishes in the diocese, one can observe a practise of a twofold religion: Catholic and the La Reunion religion of Indian descent. Here it is called “malbar”. They ask for the sacraments of the church; they join in great feasts. But likewise they traditionally practise Hinduism in the family. The parish celebrates its feast day on December 6. It is a part of the deanery of Saint Andre, along with five other parishes along the east and northeast of the Island. Further, La Reunion diocese reshuffled about seventy one parishes and ten deaneries.

Champ Borne 02The first church in Champs-Borne was opened in 1847, and was blessed under the patronage of St. Nicholas. It was later in 1852 that the neighbourhoods of Riviere du Mat les Bas and Champs-Bone became a parish. The ruins of the first church destroyed by Hurricane Jenny in 1962 are visible on the shore in front of the new church.

KaziuMany diocesan as well as religious priests ministered in this parish. Seeing the growth in numbers of the faithful, a permanent diaconate was established and this assures an indispensible help for the pastors. Presently, 200 of the faithful pray in Pellevoisin and 600 faithful in Champs-Borne. In these two centres, there are 550 children who are learning their catechism. It is important to note that on certain feasts like Good Friday, Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, the number of those in attendance totals more than 2000. The church building in Champs-Borne cannot accommodate such a large number. Parishioners take up places in the open air under special tents, on the church veranda or in the parish hall. An audiovisual transmission allows them to attend Mass.

Many lay people take an active part in the life of the parish. The lay people are active in all sectors: in the liturgy, in preparing for the sacrament of baptism and marriage, in the daily work of the parish, the teaching of catechism. In fact, we have 60 lay catechists. All these people volunteer, without any remuneration. Some lay people formed a support group for the sick; visiting sick Christians in hospitals and some are trained to distribute Holy Communion to the sick. This is a great help to the pastor who alone cannot manage all these requests.

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The number of baptisms increases from year to year. In 2016, 183 children under the age of one were baptized and 29 children over the age of one and 2 catechumens. At the end of the first year of catechism, 225 children received their First Communion. A group of 190 young people received the sacrament of Confirmation after four years of catechetic classes. Finally, 30 couples received the sacrament of matrimony this year.

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Notre-Dame de Pellevoisin - Rivière du Mât Les Bas


Despite all the efforts undertaken to create a vibrant parish, it is clear that the faithful have aged. Young people avoid participating at Holy Mass. Pastoral ministry to the youth, which existed, has become somewhat asleep. But we have begun discussions on awakening this pastoral ministry.

Father Kazimierz KWIATKOWSKI