Work amongst Polonia in Canada

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PIOTRDear readers and friends! We can all easily conclude that Jesus was a wanderer. During his time on earth, he travelled to neighbouring towns and villages, meeting people and speaking with them about the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why, to this day, it is not surprising that His followers continue to travel, while spreading the Good News of the Kingdom.

My missionary roads led me to Madagascar, where I live and work for the past 8 years. I feel happy in this place, in this sometimes difficult work, with these great people.

Today, however, I would like to share with you a different missionary experience, no less beautiful than that on the Malagasy soil.

plebania i kosciolIn September of 2016, at the request of Fr. Marian Gil OMI, the provincial of the Canadian Assumption Province, I was directed to work amongst Polonia in Canada for 10 months.

After my arrival in Canada, the provincial suggested that I work at St. Eugene de Mazenod Parish in Brampton, along with Fr. Wojciech, pastor, and Fr. Michal, associate pastor. My hesitations were very quickly dismissed, principally thanks to the kindness of the parishioners, who prepared a warm welcome for me.

Even though I worked in Poland for two years prior to coming to Canada, I was still hesitant about whether I’d be able to meet the demands of my tasks and adjust well to working in a Polish community in Canada.

kosciol w Bramptonz uczniami katechezy

For ten months, aside from regular priestly duties (Masses, confessions, baptisms, funerals, devotions), I was in charge of Catholic families in the Domestic Church movement, I taught catechesis at Polish school, I was responsible for lectors and Eucharistic ministers, preparation for baptism, and youth ministry alongside Sister Agnieszka of the Missionary Sisters of Christ the King for Polonia.

St. Eugene de Mazenod Parish is a fairly new parish, formed just over ten years ago. Despite that, it is a well-developed parish with good traditions. The beautiful church attracts many people. I often encountered not only Christians, but people of other faiths who stepped into the church out of curiosity, to examine and admire the architecture.

Une belle église attire beaucoup de monde. J’y ai rencontré souvent non pas seulement les chrétiens, mais aussi les gens d’une autre foi qui, par pure curiosité, sont venus admirer ce beau bâtiment.

There are many altars decorating the interior of the church, dedicated to the Holy Family, St. Eugene, St. John Paul II, and St. Jude-Thaddeus.

The most beautiful of these altars is dedicated to Our Lady of Ludzmierz. It is to her that every Wednesday evening, many faithful come to partake in the devotions and leave their petitions at her altar.

Thanks to the generosity of the people and the beautiful liturgy, I quickly adjusted to my new work. The dedication of the faithful to the life of their parish and to cultivating Polish traditions is much to be admired. They find their place at the church, recalling their family life in Poland, and ensure that the future generations will not forget their roots. They often repeat with pride and joy: “this is our church” and care for it as if it were their own home.

z Domowym Kosiolemz o. Janemciezka praca na cotage z oblatami

Ten months on Canadian soil went by quickly. Returning to Madagascar filled me with great joy, however work amongst these great people left a mark on me. I admired their faith, their genuine dedication, and their readiness to help.

I thank God and want to thank my Oblate confreres, with whom I worked, and all the people whom I befriended and had contact with.

Thanks to this new experience, I became convinced again that the Church is one family, that we are not alone, and that everywhere the Church is, where Christians are, there we have a home.

Father KOMAN Piotr