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Dear Readers,

Conferences 01With joy, I share with you our spiritual experience. After work, pastoral duties, and various occupations, we dedicate a few days to retreat to galvanize and enrich our spiritual life. Our Constitution No. 35 reminds us that the retreat involves apostolic exchange and a time of renewal. We were 32 OMI from Oblate communities and missions from the island of Madagascar and Reunion to attend this major event held at Itaosy (Antananarivo).

Fr Alfonso BARTOLLOTTA omi, an Italian from the Province of France, on sabbatical in Madagascar since late October 2022, was chosen as the preacher. He chose the theme: One heart-one mission; a mission: the joy of being religious.

Retraite 02Fr. Alfonso began by reminding us that the mission is at the heart of our hearts. A heart that is called to be more open. A heart that should not be divided but one that is ready to respond to the call of Christ. In fact, one cannot be an unhappy religious. "I will give you a new heart" (Ezekiel 36:26). To have a new heart, one must desire it.

Regarding the mission: living a new mission is about living the mission I have received in a new way. Living the mission anew as a community or district. We must continually renew ourselves together so as not to risk falling asleep in the current mission. The mission is not static but dynamic. It pushes us to meet others.

But we must draw our attention to the fact that only God knows the depths of each heart: the heart can show joy, sadness, hatred because of what surrounds us. We use the car: we must periodically have our vehicle technically inspected. We too must check the health of our heart.


We, the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, have Mary as the patroness of the Congregation. In Luke 1:26-38, the evangelist precisely recounts the annunciation; Luke describes what was happening in this woman's life. Mary's attitude when she gives her yes also pushes us, as Oblate religious, to review our gift to God. This story places us in front of an unheard-of reality, never expected.

1) Mary, Woman of trust: her faith is simple but potent. A sign of vitality and dynamism (dynamic and not static mission). This text invites us to rediscover inner vitality. Humility: Expectation and reception. How do we welcome eventualities in our mission? Mary's yes is the yes of a believing woman, the yes of a servant woman. But before serving, one must believe. One must believe in the mission to serve. This text also invites us to review our personal call, and then each one commits further by choosing the path to follow (congregation).

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2) God's initiative: it is God who took the first step, and through the greeting of the angel, God chose her as the Mother of the Savior. We too, it is God himself who has chosen each of us. Unlike Zechariah who went to the Temple, Mary was visited by the angel. We might say that Mary is already in God's project to be the first physical tabernacle of the Son of God. Then the initial greeting becomes Emmanuel, God with us. Mary's availability should inspire the religious.

3) God comes to us incessantly: God reveals himself to whom he wishes. He has signaled to us in a very specific time. It's a personal work to review or revise one's personal vocation.

4) A call and a dialogue that lead to mission: Mary asks the question (dialogue). Mary wants to know a bit more about how this reality will come about ? The angel reassures her that what is impossible for men is possible for God. At the beginning of his pontificate, Benedict XVI said: "Do not be afraid!" A phrase of encouragement to all humanity.

5) The "yes" as a response to commitment: An adherence to God's project. She puts herself entirely at the service of God. Mary defines herself as the servant of the Lord. We, as Oblate religious, how might we define ourselves in the face of the mission that God entrusts to us ?


« Being today's missionary disciples »

Retraite 04

The Father preacher shared about the selection of the 12 Apostles in Luke 6:12-16. Jesus establishes a relationship with God in prayer before choosing the 12. Jesus sets himself apart to pray. Adding another name signifies attachment and commitment to the response to Christ's call. In the choice of the 12, it is Jesus who takes the initiative, to come and call the disciples.

Fishers of men: We continue to bring people out of their situations of poverty, difficulties, and precarities. We, as religious, are sent to help people in their difficult situations. This Gospel passage can challenge us today in different circumstances. We are therefore called to help people who really need our support. And there too, we become fishers of men.

Retraite 05jpgPicnic: The green villa

Retraite 08After the retreat, we had the opportunity to go out together and find a suitable place to further weave fraternal relations. The atmosphere was favorable because everyone could express their joy through various recreational activities, karaoke, and much more. It's good to live in this religious family, and how can we not give thanks to God who has called us to live together. The day was beautiful, and we hope that this unity will grow and flourish even more.