Student and Priest in Rome

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01More than a year ago, the Superior of our Delegation informed me of the Congregation's desire to send me to Rome to study Church history, and so it came to pass. I arrived in Rome on May 10, 2024. This was my first experience abroad, and it wasn’t easy.

The journey offered me an opportunity for a missionary adventure and discovery. A taxi took me to the General House, where the Father Superior of the House, Padre RATHOKOA Joseph Mokone OMI, warmly welcomed me. He does not speak French but communicates in English and Italian, which was a minor challenge for me, but I was very happy nonetheless.


The community warmly welcomed me during lunch. In general, the community speaks Italian, but to help us integrate better, we speak various languages (English, French, and Spanish—the three official languages of the Congregation). I can say that the General House community has greatly helped me adjust to life and culture both in the house and in Rome. A month after my arrival, scholastic SOASAOTSE Jean Paul OMI from Madagascar also arrived to study theology.

Learning the Language



Immediately after my arrival, the Father Superior helped me prepare the necessary documents (tickets, mail, etc.), and on Monday, May 13, I began studying Italian at Prolingua. Three priests from the community, including me, were learning the language. This was a real advantage as we could support one another. We attended classes almost every morning for four months. It wasn’t easy, but it was another adventure. To facilitate admission to the Gregorian University, we had to enroll in an intensive 100-hour language course. September was dedicated to this preparation.



Rome, the Eternal City

Despite the language classes, we also had free time. Other confreres often invited us to visit the city or historic sites in Rome. This was another great advantage for us. For example, we were able to visit the monasteries of Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica, the four major basilicas and some minor ones, Castel Gandolfo where the Popes spent their vacations, and more…




During the session for new provincials and Delegation Superiors, we also had the opportunity to visit places our Founder frequented while in Rome for the approval of our Constitutions and Rules or for other missions.  In the five months after my arrival, it was truly a blessing to learn about the city and deepen our charism. These visits were both discoveries and moments of “prayer and pilgrimage”.



Studies at the Pontifical Gregorian University

The academic year began on October 7, 2024. As mentioned earlier, I am pursuing a licentiate in Church History, a subject proposed by the Administration that also greatly interests me. Due to changes at the University in recent years, we cannot immediately begin the licentiate program. We must first complete an integrative year to obtain a baccalaureate in History. Let us hope everything goes well with your prayerful support and God’s grace.

In conclusion, I want to express my gratitude to the Superior and his advisors for sending me here to study, to the benefactors for their financial, material, and prayerful support. I am also deeply thankful to the General House community for their hospitality and various forms of assistance.
Finally, thank you, my fellow Fathers, united in prayer.

Fr.  ANDRIANJAFY Tojosoa Jean Honoré OMI