Our Pastoral Activities - Volobe District

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But first, let us introduce the Volobe mission: it comprises 54 Christian communities (Fiangonana) organized into 12 districts, grouped into 3 main sectors (centers): the Central, Southern, and Western parts. Our community consists of three members: Fr. Jean Théophile RAKOTOARISOA, OMI Superior and house bursar; Fr. Georges Rémi RAKOTOHARIVELO, OMI Primary leader of the district’s pastoral work and Deacon Aymar Marie Justin RAZANAJATOVO, OMI, currently on diaconal internship.

Major events marked our mission this year: spiritual movements, the canonical visit, Fr. Rémi's mission to Réunion Island, various gatherings, constructions, and manual labor. We will review all of these successively according to the pastoral calendar of our district.




The Youth Day across the entire district of Volobe (Sampakazo/Palm Sunday) was held from March 21 to 24, 2024, in Satrandroy, located in the Western sector. It was presided over by Fr. Rakotoniaina Christian OMI, Director of the Prenovitiate in Tanamakoa, assisted by Fr. Rémi Rakotoharivelo, responsible for the youth movement. The 500 participants from across the district arrived in the afternoon of March 21. On March 22 and 23, the event was a time for sharing, catechesis, and various activities. During the gathering, he emphasized the vitality of youth in taking on responsibilities within the Church. They are the future of the Church and the Image of the Catholic Christian faith.

Palm Sunday (March 24) was marked by the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr. Rémi, focusing on the theme of the gathering: "Youth, the Hope of the Church.".


Christian Life Community took place from May 3 to 5, 2024, in Sahatangona, located in the Central sector. The meeting went smoothly, and members planned to enhance this movement to serve as a model within society. President Rasidy Moïse emphasized the active participation of all members in liturgical activities and the importance of fully living out the C.V.X identity. It was also an opportunity to prepare for the feast of the Assumption of Mary on August 15.


The FTMTK Movement Celebration for the District took place from May 9 to 12, 2024, in Andaolaonjaza, in the Southern sector. This meeting was presided over by Fr. Théophile Rakotoarisoa, OMI, Chaplain of the "FTMTK" (Malagasy Catholic Christian Youth Movement in rural areas). Participants arrived on May 9, and the following two days were dedicated to sharing and strengthening the faith of the FTMTK, focusing on the central theme: "The upright man," who must act quickly for human development. Fr. Théophile emphasized the importance of action over theory. He stated that time does not wait for the lazy and that lost time can never be regained. He urged rural youth to learn to manage their time effectively. The FTMTK must work hard to be a good example in society. The gathering concluded with a sending-off Mass on Sunday, May 12. The participants returned home happy. However, this year, attendance was lower (only about 60 participants) less than half of the movement's members in the district.

After these events, there were several movements of the members in our community:

  • On May 28, the departure of Fr. Théophile to Tana for the meeting of superiors in our OMI Madagascar Delegation.
  • On May 30, the arrival of Deacon Tovo at the Volobe community after his family vacation.
  • On May 31, the departure of Fr. Brunot for Tamatave.
  • On June 2, the departure of Fr. Rémi to the rural areas for the tour.
  • On June 10, the return of Fr. Théophile to Tana due to the serious illness of his father.

THE VISIT OF THE REVEREND Fr. Alphonse RAKOTONDRAVELO (from June 14 to 16, 2024)

Volobe 01Fr. Rémi picked him up at Ambinanivalotra, where the canoes dock. This canonical visit was an unforgettable moment for our community and the entire district. Fr. Alphonse gave in-depth instructions to the inspectors and leaders of each Christian community. He also emphasized the importance of "Leadership," as these leaders are the pillars of their respective territories.

This meeting strengthened the zeal, boldness, and self-awareness of pastoral agents in their vocation to assist priests in their tasks. According to the testimonies of participants, Fr. Alphonse's teachings encouraged them; his words are engraved in their hearts, and his convincing advice was necessary for them. For us, the members of the Volobe community, meeting our Superior also renewed our spiritual and human lives as well as our apostolic zeal as Oblate Missionaries. He concluded his visit with the Eucharistic celebration on Sunday, June 16, followed by a fraternal meal with the inspectors.

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Volobe 09Other movements of the members of the community:

  • Fr. Rémi took his vacation from June 17 until mid-July 2024.
  • We also welcomed scholastic Auguste on June 29 for a one-month community internship. He went on a 12-day tour with Deacon Tovo.
  • From July 15 to 22, 2024, the priests of the community went to Tamatave for ongoing formation. The Deacon stayed alone at the house while scholastic Auguste continued his tour in the central and southern zones.
  • On July 24, Fr. Rémi left for Tana to then undertake a mission to Réunion Island.


The Youth Eucharistic Movement Celebration of the Volobe district took place from July 25 to 28, 2024, in Ambodilazana, located in the central part of the district. Participants arrived on Thursday, July 25. The following two days were dedicated to catechesis, activities, and rehearsals for the "DINGANA" ceremonies for each class and group. Deacon Tovo conducted training sessions for the instructors (Mpanabe), emphasizing the value of being a teacher and collaborator with Christ. He taught methods for conveying messages to children and how to live the Eucharist. The Brother worked with the youth and children alongside the district’s FET president.

On Saturday evening, Fr. Théophile arrived to hear confessions, celebrate Mass, and lead the ceremony for welcoming new members into this Eucharistic Movement. In his homily, he explained the importance of receiving the Eucharist with a pure heart and a fervent faith. In short, this youth gathering was a success for our district, with over 800 participants. Everyone had the opportunity to renew their faith. The meeting concluded on the evening of July 28. Brother Auguste also completed his community internship, and the following day he left Volobe for his family vacation. On August 1, 2024, Scholastic Bertrand arrived at the mission for a one-month community internship.

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The MDMK C.V.X Mouvements Meeting took place from August 12 to 15, 2024, in Sahafatrana, located in the western part of the district. Before presiding over this meeting, Deacon Tovo and Brother Bertrand went on a tour starting August 8, as Sahafatrana is one of the most remote locations in the district. Participants arrived on Wednesday, August 13. On August 14, the Deacon gave a lecture about the Virgin Mary as a model of Christian faith. He also emphasized the responsibility of the faithful in the Church—not as spectators but as main actors in all pastoral activities.

Brother Bertrand handled liturgical rehearsals and the singing class. He remarked, “We can testify that God’s grace blessed us during this celebration because two days before the meeting, it rained incessantly, but on August 15, the weather was beautiful.” After the prayer, everyone shared a meal together. The Brother continued his tour, while the Deacon returned to Ambodimanga so that Fr. Théophile could leave for Ambodimangan’i Sona to preside over the meeting of the "Altar Servers" groups from across the district.

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The Meetting of Altar Servers (Mpiservy Lamesa) FOR THE VOLOBE DISTRICT took place from August 23 to 25, 2024. Participants arrived on August 23. On Saturday morning, August 24, Brother Bertrand provided training sessions. In the afternoon, they held the election for the district president, and in the evening, there was the "Sahoby" dance performed by sector. On Sunday, there was a sending-off Mass presided over by Fr. Théophile. In his homily, he emphasized the importance of the responsibility of altar servers during the Eucharistic celebration.

He highlighted that they are models for everyone in respecting sacred things. Fr. Théophile pointed out that these young people must be missionaries in their neighborhoods in their daily lives. This gathering brought new hope to the altar servers in the Volobe District. There were 300 participants.


The Volobe District Celebration from September 5 to 8, 2024. This was a new event introduced this year, as it had never been celebrated before, making it something novel for the faithful throughout the district. The goal of this celebration was to gather all the scattered sheep and strengthen the unity of Catholic Christians in our district. We invited football players who arrived on Thursday, September 5, while the faithful arrived on Friday, September 6. The celebration unfolded as follows : on Friday morning, there was a match between the Southern sector and the Central sector. On Saturday morning, the Deacon delivered a form of catechesis to everyone attending the celebration. Since representatives from the Western sector did not arrive, the two present sectors competed in the final round on Saturday afternoon, September 7. On Sunday, September 8, we celebrated a grand Mass for the district's feast, coinciding with the solemnity of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. It was presided over by Fr. Théophile, assisted by Deacon Tovo, the inspectors from the 12 districts, and approximately 800 Catholic faithful.

The Deacon gave the homily, focusing on the necessity of a Christian "yes" in response to God’s call: "We are witnesses of hope and prayer in our daily lives. Our spiritual journey cannot progress without understanding our human nature. Therefore, our first adversary on this pilgrimage path is laziness. We must work hard so that our faith is also strengthened," he said. After the Eucharistic celebration, we shared a meal together. In summary, this celebration inspired us anew to strive further and continue the efforts of our predecessors in the pastoral field.

Our next program is the FTMTK movement gathering from October 11 to 13 in the Ampitarafana sector in the central zone. Then, from November 21 to 24, we will have a meeting at Volobe with all the inspectors, catechists, presidents of pastoral councils of each Christian community, and priests.

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To close the pastoral year in the district, there will be a pilgrimage and outing for all pastoral agents from December 6 to 10, 2024, in Andovoranto, Brickaville.


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This year, we built a storage house made of wood and bamboo. It is very important for our community as it allows us to store rice and Church materials.

We also built a poultry yard for raising chickens. Additionally, our community has made an effort to plant a variety of vegetables to help sustain our daily life.


In conclusion, we can say that the spiritual life of our district is growing, despite the small number of people converting to the Christian faith and the dominance of local cultures (e.g., Tsaboraha), which challenge our mission. Moreover, illiteracy hinders human development in this district. For this reason, it is time to consider a school project for our mission.

The OMI Community of Volobe