Grape Plants

Ut sit amet tellus ipsum lacus. Vestibulum id nisi a tellus eleifendum auctor vel eu nibh. Curabitur egestas, arcu quis. Nullam consectetur volutpat iaculis. Nam lectus eros, auctor vel venenatis at, pharetra id lacus consectetur volutpat.

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Administration of the Delegature

Ft Mariusz Kasperski - Father Mark Ochlak, superior of the Delegature wrote to us: « With great joy...
First Councilor
Father Gilbert A. RASAMIMANANA - Superior Scholasticate of Fianarantsoa.
Second Councilor
Father Henryk MARCINIAK - Superior and Treasurer Center Audiovisual Omifilm in Fianarantsoa.
Third Councilor
Brother Jean Christian RAMISY - Treasurer and responsible for the guests in the Central House in Antananarivo
Fourth Councilor
Father Krzysztof Koślik - Treasurer community in Mahanoro and Treasurer of South Mission
Father Adam Szul - Treasurer and responsible for the guests in the Central House in Antananarivo